
(NYSE: JNJ) Es una empresa estadounidense fabricante de dispositivos médicos, productos farmacéuticos, productos de cuidado personal, perfumes y productos para bebés fundada en el año 1886. La sede de la empresa está situada en New Brunswick, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos. La empresa incluye unas 230 empresas filiales con operaciones en más de 57 países. Sus productos se venden en más de 175 países. Las marcas de Johnson & Johnson son numerosas en medicamentos y suministros de primeros auxilios. Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) has been struggling recently, but it may have the key to its recovery. The company recently completed its potentially profitable acquisition of Synthes. This may help the company turn around in the long run, but I think it will have a fairly neutral effect on the stock for the moment.

Johnson & Johnson recently purchased Synthes – a leader in the manufacturing of medical technology – for $19.7 billion in cash and stock. Synthes has been integrated with Johnson & Johnson's DePuy franchise in order to boost that area of the company's functioning. Together, the two companies will go by the name of DePuy Synthes. Alex Gorsky claims, “The completion of the Synthes acquisition creates the world's most innovative and comprehensive orthopedics business and reflects our long-standing strategy of leadership within attractive healthcare markets.” The company believes it will be attractive because it should be profitable.

This may be a good move for the company. The integration may introduce new innovations to the field of orthopedics that will mark Johnson & Johnson as a leader in the industry. This is a good market to try to get involved in right now, furthermore, as it is one of the fastest growing markets in the industry. The integration will also allow Johnson & Johnson to become a leader in technological advancements in the neurological sphere.

This merger should also help the involved companies remain up-to-date with various advances in the medical field. If a pharmaceutical company is to be successful, it definitely has to keep up with what is going on. The best way to achieve this is certainly through finding ways to ensure that your technology is better than your competitors, as this would allow you to have an edge in the market.

This deal has been at the top of the company's priority list because of the possibilities it holds for counteracting the string of “bad luck” it has experienced lately. It should help boost profits, and therefore, it will benefit the company. Now that Johnson & Johnson has completed this acquisition, it is time for us to sit back and see what happens next.

My personal take on the matter is that this is a good way for Johnson & Johnson to offset the numerous problems it has recently faced. I am referring to the recalls of numerous products and the overall disappointment that investors are feeling. If the acquisition of Synthes is able to boost the company's profits, it may finally be able to recover and begin doing well once again.

To get a better idea of how Johnson & Johnson is doing, it is also worthwhile to look at some of the recent developments with its bigger competitors.

Neuro 1.6 Depuy Synthes-0,5 mm de grosor hacia 0,4 mm con tornillo único, autoperforante, autoroscante

  • johnson_johnson.txt
  • Última modificación: 2019/09/26 22:29
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